Benefits of Informal organisation


Benefits of Informal organisation:


Informal organisation has certain benefits. They are;


(a)  It helps the formal organisation to make a workable system to get the work done.

(b)  It assists the formal organisation to become humanistic.

(c)  It helps the group members to attain specific personal objectives.

(d)  It provides social satisfaction to group members.

(e)  It acts as a means by which the workers achieve a sense of security and belonging.

(f)   It is best means of employee communication.

(g)  It serves as an agency for social control of human behaviour.

(h)  It acts as a safety valve for the emotional problems and the frustrations of the workers of the enterprise.

(i)    It lightens the work-load of the formal managers.

(j)    Many things which cannot be achieved through formal organisation can be achieved through informal organisation.

(k)  The presence of informal organisation in an enterprise makes the managers plan and act more carefully.

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