What is Para Language?


The word para language means ‘like’ and therefore, para language is ‘like language’. It is non verbal because it does not involve use of words. But it is like verbal communication because it is related to the way words are spoken. A wide range of sign and signals are used in para language.

Voice– is the most important element of para language. The voice used by the speaker reveals his education, training, temperament, and general background. The following aspects of voice are important in communication.

(i) Speaking Speed (iv) Pause
(ii) Pitch Variation (v) Non-fluencies
(iii) Volume Variation  

Word Stress – Proper stress id highly important in communication. A speaker can change the meaning by putting stress on a word here or a word there in the same sentence. A good speaker should put proper stress on words or part of words. One good way to improve one’s words, stress is to listen to good speakers and participate in discussions. Another way is to listen to English news bulletins on radio and televisions.

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