Semantic Barriers to communication


Semantic Barriers to communication

Semantic refer to the systematic study of the meaning of the words and signs. Simplicity, clarity, and brevity reduce semantic barriers of communication. Problem arising from expression or transmission of meaning are called semantic barriers. Language is the most important tool of communication. But it careless use can be dangerous. Language barriers are as follows: –

(i)            Words with different meaning: – Communication is mainly carried through spoken and written words. But some words convey different meaning to different people. People interpret the same words differently due to differences in their economic, social, and educational backgrounds.

(ii)          Denotations and Connotation: – the literal meaning of a word is known by its denotative meaning. It just names objects without suggesting positive or negative qualities. On the other hand connotative arouse qualitative judgment and personal reaction. Some of these words are like honest and competent has positive connotation. Due to difference in connotation, a sender’s compliment may be interpreted by receiver as insult.

(iii)         Bad Expression: – When the message is not formulated and presented in the proper manner, the receiver fails to comprehend it and misunderstanding occurs. Badly expressed messages lose their impact. A badly expressed message causes loss of valuable time and money as it requires further corrections and clarifications.

(iv)          Faulty Translation: – Often people translate words in literal sense, thereby losing the spirit behind the word. Inaccurate translation leads to misunderstanding and confusion. When different part of the message is contradictory, the receiver gets confused over their reliability and validity.

(v)           Unclarified Assumption: – the sender of the message often makes some assumption. When these assumptions are vague and unknown to the receiver communication suffers.


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