What are the planning steps before problem-solving conference?


Planning steps before problem solving conference.

1. Reviewing the Problem and Determine the Precise Purpose:

Before starting the conference the leader should have a clear-cut idea about the central purpose of meeting. The problem might be decline in profit decrease in market share etc. the problem should be reviewed in detail.

2. Deciding Who Should Participate:

In such a meeting, the participating have to play a very important role so, it has to be decided very carefully who should participate: The participant may be among managerial staff of the organization, specialist outside the organization etc.

3. Arranging for Meeting Date, Time, Place:

The date, time and place should be arranged properly. While deciding these, one should have knowledge about the strikes, holidays, weather etc. having decided them, their information should be communicated properly to all participants.

4. Creating an Agenda:

It is desirable for the chairperson to send the agenda in advanced of a meeting usually three questions are brought for the meeting:

i. Facts Is something true or not.

ii. Value Whether something desirable or undesirable.

iii. Policy Should something be done or not to be done.

5. Distributary’s the Announcement:

An announcement should be distributed to the participant, It should have date, time, place agenda (if any) purpose etc.

6. Checking n Physical Arrangement:

It should include.
i. Selecting the seating pattern.
ii. Determining what kind of material is needed in the room.
iii. Making available the visual electronic visual aid.

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