My first day at VES BMS College


It was a cloudy day on 21st of july, when it was my first day at ves @ fybms class…college timings were from 7.30a.m sharp …i struggled and managed to reach college by 7.20a.m…asked here and there for my class..and saw the notice board displaying the class and the floor…got to know that the class was on 2nd floor…rushed towards the lift to go to the 2nd floor…but made fun of myself by knowing that the lift is meant only for staff and teachers..lolz…went on to 2nd floor by stairs…keeping my eyes and ears alert as to what is happening around…reached to class and wat do i see??? People already warming their chairs and listening to the co-ordinator talk…with some people yarning, leaning , making boring faces at the very first bench…i stepped in and asked, “may i come in maa’m”??..and there she was in beautiful saree ….staring at me as though she will eat me up…lol…first day…first lectre startd…i don’t lik late commers , from where do u come?????? And thre i was, mulund maam…with very innocent look…i answered…when all “ulhasnagar” people come on time…y cnt u? She said…in my mind…i was like…is this school? So punctual…i said i had reachd colg by 7.20a.m sharp…but couldn’t find the class…and aftr whole lot of conversation…i went back and took the last bench…replying to all unknown smiles and looks…and most importantly to all “guys”…to find no one interesting enough at the very first mst of them wer frm “usa”…my short form 4-ulhasnagar…i sat down all alone…occupying the last seat…when the intro session was on..people were telling about their junir colg…i was in my own dreams…thinkng of how will i firstly get up…and attend the mrng lec…and its really difficult to pretend as if you are listening even though u r really sleepy…i looked in front..the co-ordinator was lecturing and the first bench boys and girls nodding their heads like school kids…wnt their necks pain…and how can they breath sitting under the teachers nose… was my turn ..i gave  a very flasy intro of myself..distinguishng and making myself and my aim very clear to all..after all its “me”..and the bell rang..people started talking to each other very formally..i tld to myself .. “gunjan, your three years u have to spend with these make sure you make good amount of friends with whom u can enjy, relx, chill, party, bunk, mak fun, do night-outs etc etc etc..made frnshp wid all..then startd the real college life..sybms class enterd our class ..4 intro???..hmm do u thnk so..for ragging …naaaa…guess what make us aware of “freshers party” which they have arrand specialy for us.. Whr thy will do our ragging..i was made all prepartns for welcmg us..and thn i along wid the whle lot of ppl went to “canteen”..where we stay, eat and live together..n-a-days..(now at sybms) an already made image of all professors from our seniors….for me external learning and experience was more important than listening to bookish from the very first day registered myself for the role play.. I remember it was on . .“ no mobile day” i like exploring myself no doubt..but one hidden reason was.. “i wanted to create my name, wanted everyone to know me..”.. As my frnds rightly call me now.. “miss famous”.. Whch to some extent.. I m  nw..but still..the race is on..and so the first day..came to an end..with fun, friends, to know about college..even got a welcome speech from .. “the principal”..

Retrnd with some excitement, curiousness, naughty thoughts..looking ahead for more fun, dramas..and competion to cme my way..

all in all my first day at college was a good one..was waiting eagerly for days to cme…for mre scoldings..lolzz..i mean bunkng, eatng, slepng, masti,  maza..with maazaa…..with dost.. Hopng some one to propose me..sendng me fb request..going on date..and all bla-bla-bla….

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Gunjan Lalwani
i m gunjan lalwani..from ves college , chembur..currently in sybms..i m gud at extra curicular to hang-out, party, explorng new thngs..and makng and meetng new people..


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