My First Day at S.I.W.S. College


I still remember my first day in FYBMS. Anywhere I go, I always preferred to go at proper punctual time. I haven’t attended my college orientation. So I was so nervous during the first day. I went early in the morning before 7.30am I went to 3rd Floor and no one was there then I saw one peon worked there. And I just went near to him and asked at a lower voice “where is the class for FYBMS?”

He said “Go to 307”

Then I went there. Suddenly He called me and told that you have to come on 10am. I was shocked…

Then I just roamed in the college veranda and one girl came to 3rd floor, she is also from FYBMS only.

Then I said that we have to come at 10am only. Then we requested to the peon to allow us to sit in the class. Then he opened the door of Room No.307 then we both entered into the class. The class was so huge and empty.

I sat in the First Bench and that girl sat behind me. We haven’t talked with each other then later we got bored then we started getting introduced ourselves.

Later, as the time goes on one by one all students started coming into the class. I saw one of my junior college friend, she was also taken BMS and we had a talk about the summer vacation enjoyment. Then later we all 5 girls went out in the rain to roam near the college and returned to the class.

After all, I saw my primary school friend coming to the class. I was surprised and shocked by seeing him there. Then we both had lot of talk and he introduced his junior college classmates.

I felt so happy!!!

Then as the bell rang at 10.15am, one Ma’am entered into the class. She was about to teach us Foundation of Human Behaviour. As I listened the subject name I felt so Interesting because I like psychological studies. Then ma’am told everyone to come front and introduce yourself to the class. As I was sat in the first bench ma’am thought that I’m a good student. And as my turn came I just went there and confidently I raised my voice and I spoke about myself and ma’am appreciated me for my confidence.

Then after we had 2 more lectures. After that everyone went to their home. But I spent time with my school friend and his gang. The gang was such an entertaining group. I also joined in their group.

Because of them I realised the real fun of college life.

I never expected that this day could change my life completely…

My wish was to study BCA but I found difficulty in studying C, C++, etc… So my sister suggested me to take BMS. I just got admitted in BMS.

But today I’m feeling so proud to study BMS. Totally it changed my personality, communication, attitude and everything. In short, BMS changed me into a new professional person and gave me a new life.

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Farida Shaikh

I like management, hence it is difficult but to manage life, I'm learning management.


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