Teachers- The Pillars Of Nkbms


It is said “It is the supreme art of the teacher, to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” One such intricate Art by a teacher awakened a desire to create KIRAN, the teacher was none other than the cordinator of BMS section, and the Vice-Principal of the Self-Finance section of Nagindas Khandwala College,Malad (W)-  Ms.Mona Bhatia. She is the origin of the strength that drives NkBms on a correct path so efficiently.

The story doesn’t end here, today the magnitude that KIRAN 2013 holds is mainly because of the motivation it receives from the teachers of the section. They are the people who never give up, they are the ones who already map road to success long before they think of building one, they see it in them even long before they realize they have it in them. They bring in and pass the energy with which they see dreams becoming reality.
They are adherent by our side. Even when you feel like giving up, you won’t because you know there is somebody who believes in you more than yourself.
Such blessed they are to have such pillars!!

This year again the students are ready for KIRAN 2013, with the blessings of their teachers. They sure are with them strong and firm.

KIRAN 2013 is scheduled on 10th of August,10:00 am – 2:00 pm at Prabhodan Thackrey Hall, Borivali(W) Mumbai 92.

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