After Graduation, What’s Next ? Different Ways, Different Realities !


The big question after a student gets graduated is, what’s next? Job or Post Graduation ? If Job , then in which field?
Its very common that most of them cannot afford to opt for MBA directly due to the funds required. Students in such case opt for a job, the one which will let them earn more.

The reality is different. Once a student gets into a high earning job, like a BPO, KPO, or Sales oriented one, either he will do too good and continue in the same field or else he will be too bad and end up quitting. BPO’s, KPO’s are such places where they offer higher salaries which attracts today’s generation, but the high salary is constant even after 2-3 years , plus no job quarantee, no job satisfaction. End of the day, You’re either too tired due to heavy load of work and calls you do, or you end up affecting yourself in terms of health issues. Those entering sales , having good communication, negotiation are seen to grow bigger in that industry. They cannot be all, its few, Very few who survive.

A good way is to plan which direction you want to take your career like Finance, HR, Sales, Marketing , Advertisement, Ops etc etc. Once You decide onto this , start searching for job which will give boost to your career in terms of growth, not money. Always remember, If you want to opt for MBA in future, always give experience more weight age rather than earnings.Few organizations offer part time MBA while working, that can be taken. But Its better to go for a Full time MBA in terms of stretching your MBA 3-4 years in part time in connection with 18 months with that of full time MBA.

So on a serious note , it is very important to decide about your career prior to graduation results as it helps you a lot.

To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.

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Visshal T Sawant
Masters in Human Resources with 3 years+ of experience in HR. Currently working with Capgemini as an HR Business Partner. Contributing to other's success is a small medium to educate people about our knowledge. Let's be a part of other's successful journey & make them Happy. Inspire & Grow !!!


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