My First Speech on India’s 67th Independence as a citizen of Loving INDIA


67th Year to India’s Freedom…

This very fine morning as always I started my day with the speech of India’s Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, which was an independent speech or a political party’s election advertisement? PM said UPA-2 Knows that the stand of Pakistan’s violation on LOC. But what has been the Government doing for the same? Rightly said by Chetan Bhagat“Is there any country in the World where neighboring nation kills 5 soldiers without provocation and PM doesn’t say a word?”

Yes Its Time to celebrate Freedom which our Legendary FREEDOM FIGHTERS who gifted us with their life’s… the Question still Stand; Is This the Freedom that our Bapuji Mahatma Gandhiji expected!

Bapuji always said He wants to c India free In all Elements such as corruption, Inequality, Illiteracy, etc

I believe this isn’t followed by our fellow politicians. After 66th year of freedom, we still have pot hole outside our homes, Corruption, Economy fall down (due to political instability), Improper development, Unemployment, Poverty, Illiteracy (where is free education?), Gender difference, etc

I believe one day i ‘ll change my India in the way Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi JI wished…

Thank you bapuji and I LOVE My India.

Jai Hind.

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Paresh Khatri


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