Job responsibilities of Sales and Marketing professionals


In sales responsibilities include

  • Achieving sales targets set for the year
  • Mobilizing resources – co-cordinating for stocks, advertising budgets etc, for achieving the above.
  • Planning and implementing tactical plans for the year in the territory.
  • Executing special schemes / promotions
  • Managing various channels of distribution like distributors, dealers, showrooms
  • Supervising the CFAs (which are the stocking points) with respect to their adherence to company norms.
  • Reporting and communicating with other departments in the region and with the corporate head office.


And the responsibilities for a marketing professional include

  • New product development from concept generation to launch
  • Pricing
  • Advertising and promotion
  • Market research
  • Sales forecasting and planning on an on-going basis
  • Developing marketing programmes
  • Devising special promotion schemes



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