Measures to increase job satisfaction


Although management cannot change the personal factors in job satisfaction, it should appreciate the role-of such factors and must take care to place the employees where the personal factors of the individual help him in achieving job satisfaction.


Similarly, the management can use the factors inherent in the job to plan and administer jobs more advantageously for its personnel. For example, the policy of job rotation, job enrichment, and job enlargement may help increase job satisfaction. Management should also take necessary steps to raise the occupational status of the workers.


The management should carefully develop appropriate policies and practices for promotions and transfers, working conditions, wages, grievance handling, fringe benefits, satisfactory hours of work and adequate rest pausing. Management should also able to recognize and appreciate the good work done by the employees and give respect for their creative suggestion. Proper delegation of authority, freedom to do work will also help increase job satisfaction. Above all, while keeping in view the factors related to job satisfaction, the management must recognize the importance of the stability of employee attitudes that may lead to high morale and production.


It is evident from the above description that there are many factors that influence job satisfaction and the managements must be able to work out a broad strategies that may help increase job satisfaction and must also able to identify the specific factors that causes the individual differences and must evolve appropriate strategies that could raise the job satisfaction of those particular segment.



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