- Foreign trade dependence creates serious difficulties for a country, especially in times of war when foreign trade becomes impossible.
- Because of foreign trade, a country may recklessly exhaust her limited natural resources for the purpose of export without thinking of her own future needs.
- Foreign trade gives rise to foreign competition. Foreign competition may ruin domestic industries, especially small and cottage industries which are unable to face such competition.
- Foreign trade may encourage the importation of luxury goods which are not useful to the masser.
- Because of foreign trade, some developed countries may resort to the practice of dumping their goods in under-developed and developing countries.
- Foreign trade speacialisation resulting from the foreign’s trade, a country may develop a certain sector of her economy, neglecting other sectors.
- Foreign trade may cause serve balance of payments problem, and a country may be forced to borrow from international sources. Huge foreign debts may impair, a country’s capacity to import goods.
- Foreign trade is likely to ruin an economy which exports only raw materials to other countries.
- Foreign trade leads to international competition and rivalry, and sometimes, leads to international frictions and wars.
- Foreign trade dives an opportunity to foreigners to intervene in the domestic affairs of a country.