Bhoomit Jain, Joshi Bedekar College


Name – Bhoomit Jain
College– Joshi Bedekar College

Tell us about yourself
I’m a person who likes sports from the bottom to top of my heart ;), there is no such game which I don’t like or I don’t wanna play, all the games have an equal importance in my eyes. I’m also interested in gaining or availing knowledge and simultaneously least interested in showing off. That’s it..!

Tell us about your college
Well what to say about my college? Firstly- in 1st year BMS, I was in Dnyanasadhna college, Thane. There I found that no one of the student is goal oriented or future oriented, none of them were bothered to score good marks or to get knowledge from the Industrial Visit. Secondly- now I’m in Joshi Bedekar college, thane. Here I found all the people are rushing for getting good marks rather to know about real knowledge. Its just 3 months passed in this college, so couldn’t be able to tell more.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined BMS in year 2009. And now I’m in 2nd year BMS (SYBMS).

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
When I think about future, I personally feel like BMS is the only course which is having a lot of scope and demand in the business field.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
Utter futuristic.

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
I like its beautiful giant campus. Love it.

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Rui Patel, because she teaches (explains) each and every topic so simply that even “Imperfect” itself says “I-m-perfect”… lolzz…

What has BMS life taught you?
(Now lets compare our syllabus standard with real business) In business, things changes instantly and in BMS syllabus changes instantly. 😉 When there is a little change in the business things, business tycoons give their 100% to come out with the perfect solution for that sudden changes in the market. Same here in BMS, syllabus changes instantly, students don’t even get chance to read the whole syllabus and be fully prepared before exams. And after finish of one semester instantly new syllabus takes place. Students have to try hard to change their mind from the old syllabus to new syllabus instantly.
So from the above paragraph, we come to know that, BMS teaches us how to manage the things or how to prepare our mind hard, when things keep on changing instantly. 🙂

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
Happiest – A healthy communication or we can say discussion while having our GD… haha… awesome…
Saddest – Good friends apart when they don’t give their 100% in any project, presentation or any other work.
Memorable – Industrial visit, never ever gonna forget those days… Outstanding masti… and rave a lot about I.V. after coming from the I.V… jus love those memorable moments with some special friends… ♥ ♥ ♥

Who in your life has influenced the most?
My dad

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
Time to learn the whole syllabus is too short, so I would make the vacation more lesser and lesser which would help us in giving enough time to complete with reading or go thoroughly with our syllabus.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
I would recommend my pal or anyone else to take BMS because here in BMS we are supposed to do different – different projects on different – different company, by which BMS student avails the knowledge how a company stays in business world with different strategies which really helps a BMS student to do his own business in his future times.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
Firstly – Suppose I had given CET entrance and passed in MBA exams, then which company should I take by which I can get the opportunity to go overseas and do work there?
Secondly – If your answer is no regarding the question first then give me the relative opinions by which I can do the exact thing I want to do after completing my MBA.

What are your future plans?
After finishing my BMS, I will join the best finance company for 1 year and then, after 1 year will do my MBA. And finally money money money man… just cant say about it. 😉

What are you expecting out of BMS?
I expect BMS gives me enough knowledge that whereever I go every single man will say, he is example of perfect BMS (management) student. Whether people say or not, From inside I should personally feel that I’m enough of management knowledge. That’s it..!

How is What help should it provide in future? is quite good and yeah I really want a favour from the is that, I want to know the real story of big big business tycoons. So if you can post the different different stories of business tycoons then that would be really pleasant…(story like how they turn on to other business when there is not enough income in one business, etc)

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