Global Youth Forum India 2013





We live in a democracy and youth is definitely a part of it! Still, we seem to be very passive when it comes to interacting among ourselves and standing up for something; standing up for a cause. Global Youth Forum, first of its kind, precisely provides a platform for youth interaction. Whether you are keen on discussing social issues or whether you just want to socialize with some similar people, this is your platform! We at GYF believe that the youth has the necessary power to make a change in the society and India has given some of the best young entrepreneurs to the world. You can be one; we can be one and set an example for others to follow. GYF is a podium to put forward your views and hence our tagline- “The Reflection of YOUth” Cheers!!


Global Youth Forum India 2013 27th Sept ’13 Friday


An initiative of Gen Y &

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Audience Limit: 84

Venue: Chanakya Institue, Juhu Galli, Andheri –Vile Parle (W)

Duration: 4hrs

Ticket Price: Rs. 150


Seminar Details:

1. It’s a girl – Upasana Khilolani
2. Educated Idiots – Jay Morzaria
3. Is Sex the only way of Satisfaction – Eshan Yagnik
4. Living Life King Size – Pratik Lotia
5. Power Of Intuition – Gaurav Mishra
6. Youth Empowerment and 21st Century Skill Development – Abhishek shetty
7. If you go to school you can’t be rich – Gaurav Singh
8. Searching for Happiness



What is so unique about GYF?

They say that “youth is the backbone of our country”. Definitely it is!! And, GYF is a forum where we invite you to get a feel of the power that our youth has; the power that YOU have! Through our discussions and debates, we are trying our best to create awareness about current scenarios, sociological culture, economic slowdown, the falling sensex and the rising lure of sex!! Oh yeah, we have covered all the topics possible, even the bold ones!! We at GYF feel that discussion and debate is necessary for every democracy so as to make a change (a positive one) in the society. And who is better than the youth for making a change? Besides these discussions and debates, GYF will also provide you with the opportunity to network with different people from various walks of life. And yeah, the dinner is free folks!! When was the last time, you enjoyed something for the first time? Be there with us on 27th September and join us to explore, to learn and to ACT!!


Message from Pratik Lotia, President of GYF

I heartily welcome you all as the President of GYF. So far these years, a lot of people have asked me to find a way to create platform for the youth to pitch their ideas & bring a change in the society. This marks the debut of GYF Mumbai with an aim to create awareness, encourage people to act over it & act accordingly to create a better future. This initiative needs your support to make it a grand success. I am sure you want to part of this Youth Movement. See you at the event.


Message from Jay Morzaria, Vice President at GYF

As the Vice President of this company, I look forward to create new opportunities for the youth of this country. I personally feel that if there is proper discussion and debate among the youth of this country, great challenges can be won. I look forward to many discussions, debates, treks, internships, creative ideas from my fellow youngsters. But most importantly, I look forward to a good amount of encouragement for this initiative that I and my team have taken. Cheers!


For more details register your number at [email protected] or call on the following numbers;

9967207447 – Eshan yagnik

9167016103 – Pratik lotia

9769234247 – Jay morzaria


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