Theory Questions-
Chp. Operations Research
1) OR and its characteristics
2) Applications of OR
3) Limitations of OR
Chp. LPP
1) Infeasibility
2) Unboundedness
3) Alternative/Multiple Optimal solution
4) Degeneracy
5) Feasible solution
6) Unique optimal solution
7) Post-optimality analysis/ Sensitivity analysis
8 ) Unrestricted variables
9) Steps in formulation of LPP
10) ISO profit line
11) in LPP simplex table, what does basis consist of ?
12) What do the values in index (Aj-Cj-Zj) row communicate?
13) Shadow price and its application
14) Artificial variables
15) Basic variables in simplex
16) Diff b/w simplex and dual simplex method
17) Uses of slack, surplus
18 ) Dist b/w degeneracy and cycling
19) Importance of dual simplex method
20) Advantages of duality
21) LPP and its application
22) Components of LPP
23) Graphical method of solution
24) Assumptions of LPP
25) Advantages and disadvantages of LPP
26) Big M-method
Chp. Network Analysis
1) PERT-Advantages and disadvantages
2) Project
3) Activities
4) Events/Nodes
5) Network
6) Dummy activity and its use
7) Critical path’s necessary and sufficient conditions
8 ) Sub-critical path
9) Float and its types
10) Explain with reference to PERT-optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time OR 3 estimates and relationship with expected time and its variance in the project
11) Forward and Backward pass – uses
12) Dangling event
13) Updating of network in PERT,CPM
14) Uses of slack, float
15) Indirect costs in a project
16) Compare PERT n CPM
17) Time Cost trade off in CPM
18 ) Steps in PERT, CPM
19) Crashing
20) In what type of projects, the activity time required is probabilistic and how this is converted into estimated expected time?
21) Utility of total float in project monitoring
Chp. Assignment problem
1) Assignment problem
2)Restricted assignment problem
3) Multiple optimal solutions
4) Unbalanced assignment problem
5) State the algorithm of solving an assignment problem OR procedure of Hungarian method
6) Regret matrix
7) Reduced matrix
8 ) Principle behind balanced assignment problem
9) Methods of Assignment
10) Special problems in Assignment
11) How do you prepare Balanced maximisation problem with restrictions for Hungarian method?
Chp. Transportation problem
1) Basic and non-basic variables
2) Transportation problem
3) Optimal solution
4) Degeneracy
5) Unbalanced transportation problem
6) Prohibited transportation problem
7) Independent cells
8 ) Looping
9) Least cost method
10) North west corner rule
11) Compare Transportion and Assignment problem
12) Test for optimality
13) Significance of Time minimisation
14) State the various methods of finding the Basic Feasible solution in Transportation problem and compare them
15) What principle is applied to prevent a prohibited route being a part of transportation solution?
These questions carry 2-3 marks weightage.
Questions :–
1.     Operations Research – Introduction, Models, Areas of Application.
2.     Linear Programming Problems
3.     Mathematical Formulation of Linear Programming Problem
4.     Graphical and Simplex Method of LPP
5.     Concept of slack, surplus and artificial variables in LPP
6.     Manual solutions of LPP upto 3 iterations
7.     Minimization and Maximization Problems in LPP
8.     Alternative Optima in LPP
9.     Unbounded solutions in LPP
10. Infeasible solutions to be shown graphically and also by simplex method in LPP
11. Definition of Transportation model
12. Balanced/Unbalanced in transportation model
13. Minimisation / Maximisation in Transportaion model
14. Determinants of the initial basic feasible solution using North-West Corner Rule method in Transportation
15. Least cost method in Transportation
16. Vogel’s Approximation method for balanced and unbalanced transportation problems
17. Optimality Test & obtaining of optimal solution in Transportation(Considering per unit transportation cost)
18. Assignment Problem in Transportation
19. Hungarian Method in Transportation
20. Statement of Transportation and Assignment Problem as L.P Problems
21. Construction of Network – Rules and Precautions.
22. CPM and PERT Networks
23. Obtaining of Critical Path and Time estimates for activities
24. Probability of completion of project.
25. Determination of floats (total, free, independent & interfering)
26. Crashing of Simple networks
27. Decision Environments – risk & uncertainty. Payoff table, Regret
28. Decision making under uncertainty – Maximin & maximax criteria
29. Minimax Regret criterion
30. Laplace criterion
31. Hurwicz criterion
32. Expected Monetary Value criterion.
33. Expected Value of Perfect Information (E.V.P.I)
34. Expected Opportunity Loss (E.O.L).
35. Decision Tree (Simple examples)
Problems/Sums are expected based on the above topics.
P.S. The Question Banks and Important Topics provided by us may or may not appear in the exams. It’s just for you to be aware of the topics related to the subject. Do prepare and study more than this. We are not responsible and are just here to provide you with the best required information.