MBA Questions of the day (18 Oct’13)


22. A dealer offered a machine for sale for Rs. 275 but even if he had charged 10% less, he would have made a profit of 10%. What did the machine actually cost him?


(1) Rs. 200             (2) Rs. 220             (3) Rs. 225             (4) Rs. 222.75        (5) Rs. 242.50
23. The simple interest on Rs 7,300 from 11 May,1987 to 10 September, 1987 (both days included) at 5% per annum is:


(1) Rs 123              (2) Rs 103              (3) Rs 200              (4) Rs 223              (5) None of these

24. Rs. 3100 is divided between A, B, C and D so that B’s share is 2/3 of A’s.  C’s is of B’s and D’s share is equal to that of B and C together.  What does ‘A’ get?


(1) Rs. 750             (2) Rs. 900             (3) Rs. 990             (4) Rs. 1000           (5) Rs. 1250


25. The time, in which Rs 2,000 will amount to Rs 2,420 at 10% per annum compound interest, when the interest is compounded annually, is:


(1) 5 years             (2) 2 years            (3) 3 years            (4) 4 years            (5) None of these


26. A job can be completed by 12 men in12 days. How many extra days will be needed to complete the job if 6 men leave after working for 6 days?


(1) 3                       (2) 6                       (3) 12                     (4) 24                     (5) None of these


27. In the examination, 60% of the candidates pass in English, 50% in Math, and 20% fail in both subjects.  What is the total pass percentage? (Pass percentage is % of the people passing both subjects)


(1) 20                     (2) 10                     (3) 50                     (4) 60                     (5) 30


28. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours, B and C together in 3 hours, and A and C together in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it?


(1) 10 hours           (2) 12 hours           (3) 8 hours             (4) 24 hours           (5) None of these




















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