Directions for (102-106): The sentence provided may not be correct due to a grammatical or spelling error. Choose the part that has the error. If there is no error, choose “5” as your answer.
102. The two brothers/(1) were quarreling/(2) with/(3) one another./(4)
103. I had to do so because I felt/(1) that the safety of my sister-nurses/(2) and female attendants there/(3) were in peril/(4)
104. I did not wait/(1) because/(2) he had left before/(3) I had reached his place/(4)
105. Judge in him/(1) prevailed/(2) and he/(3) sentenced his son to death. /(4)
106. Did/(1) you/(2) have/(3) the lunch?/(4)
102. |
(4) |
103. |
(4) |
104. |
(4) |
105. |
(1) |
106. |
(4) |