CMAT 26th September 2013 – 1st Slot Analysis


Topics that were asked in the 1st slot:

1. Permutation and Combinations
2. Inequalities – Find the range (Function based)
3. Co -ordinate geometry (2 questions)
4. Time and Work
5. Interest (EMI was asked)
6. Quadratic equation (based on roots)
7. Averages
8. Allegation and Mixtures (2 questions)
9. Progression – GP
10. Number systems based on AP
12. Data Interpretation (2 Questions)
13. Data Sufficiency

1. Input Output
2. Blood Relations (one liner and puzzle based)
3. Number Series
4. Coding Decoding
5. Clocks (Reflex angle made at 10.25)
6. Calenders
7. Logical Connectives (Either or based)
8. Direction Sense
9. Truth and Lie Detector
10. Puzzles

1. Para Jumbles (2)
2. Analogies (2)
3. FIJ (3 statements)
4. Sentence Correction
5. Para Completion
6. Passages (3-4)
Each passage had 3 questions each. This is a new welcome change to the CMAT exam. The questions under the passage were of the following types –
a. Conclusion
b. Assumption
c. Inference
d. Suitable Title
e. Tone ( one particular line from the passage was picked and its tone was asked)
f. Strengthen and weaken the argument.

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