Tambi Auditions!!


TAMBI auditions on the 6th of december @ 11am
If u think u hav it in u to be the next super star of SIES…then be there!!! n u will be judged by none other than our super tambi Arun Panicker!!!

Arun Panicker hey al my sies frnds…………specially guys who are looking out to come for those auditions……….
i dont want ppl who just wanna come to try for it……
i want ppl who really feel that they have that kind of spark within them!
after all u r gonna represent the biggest star of SIES…….
Note:things needed to judge :
1.persona (u shld b presentable enuff to represent our coll)
3.ability to be spontaneous
4.given any situation can handle it out with a sense of humour in your style
5.the main thing: fucking GAAVTI dance but with a style or “CLASS”(LET ME REPEAT THE WORD “CLASS” i dont want ppl to come with vulgar dance) onto it…..its not only abt u alone dancing but making the crowd dance.
6.i will check out what talent u possess within u(X factor) that will pull my crowd away frm me to u! lols

i hope that was brief enuff to make u ppl understand wot am looking for!!!!!!
ryt guys????????
common on 6th u have to break my record……now u can represent our coll…….mera era khatam kara do! lols
love ya all!
all the best!

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