Special Studies in Marketing Important Question Bank 2013 – Navigator Tutorials


Special Studies In Marketing


Question Bank 2013


  Concepts   Shorts Notes  
1) E-commerce Nov(2010) (268) 1) Importance of Public Relations. ( Nov  
2) The five M’s of marketing (Nov 2010) (88) 2) Relationship Marketing.(Nov 2010) (264)  
3) Communication Model (Diagram) (Nov 2010) 3) Diffusion Process. (Nov 2010) (53)  
4) Bursting Strategy Nov (2010) (160) 4) Trade Promotional Tools. ( Nov 2010) (238)  
5) USP (Nov) (215) 5) Dagmar. (April 2011) (82)  
6) CPRP (April 2011) (151) 6) IMC. (April 2011)(67)  
7) Rational and Emotional Appeals (April 2011) 7) Brand Leverage. (April 2011) (219)  
8) Flight Strategy (April 2011) (160) 8) Gatekeeper. (April 2011) (32)  
9) Message Order (April 2011) (106) 9) Five M’s of Advertising. ( Oct 2011) (88)  
10) Core Brand Identity (April 2011) (218) 10) Explain the functions of advertising agency. (  
      Oct2011) (113)  
11) Transit Advertising (Oct 2011) (138) 11) Traditional Response Hierarchy Model. (Oct  
      2011) (61)  
12) Out of home advertising (Oct 2011) (138) 12) Types of Buying Behavior (April 2012)(41)  
13) Importance of internet as a tool of IMC( Oct 13) AIDA Model. (April 2012) (61)  
14) Differentiate between brand image and Brand 14) Role of Direct Marketing in IMC. (April 2012)  
  Positioning. (Oct 2011)(207)   (250)  
15) Define GRP, CPRP, and BDI. (Oct 15) Five M’s of Advertising. (Oct 2012) (88)  
16) Motivation. (April 2012) (20) 16) Family Life Cycle. (Oct 2012) (27)  
17) IMC (April 2012)(67) 17) Dagmar. (Oct 2012) (82)  
18) Bursting(April 2012)(160) 18) Unique Selling Proposition. (April 2013)  
19) Advertising Effectiveness(April2012)(164) 19) The five K’s of marketing. ( April 2013)  
20) Personal Selling (April 2012)(258) 20) Consumer Jury Survey. (April 2013) (180)  
21) Role of Direct Marketing as a tool of      
  IMC.(Oct2012) (250)      
22) Media Research. (Oct 2012) (155)      
23) Advertising in Movie Theaters. (Oct 2012)      
24) USP. (Oct 2012) (215)      
25) Define Reach, Frequency, and coverage. (Oct      
  2012) (148, 149)      
26) Publicity. (April 2013) (76)      
27) Brand Image. (April 2013) (204)      
28) Diffusion of Innovation. ( April 2013) (53)      
29) Percentage of Sales Method. ( April 2013)      
30) OOH Media. (April 2013) (138)      




1)      What is the role of the various family members in influencing Consumer Behavior? (Nov 2010) (31)

2)      How does a company decide on the Advertising Budget? (Nov 2010) (117)


3)      What are the different media scheduling strategies available to the media manager? ( Nov 2010) (160)

4)      Explain the factors that determine Brand Equity? ( Nov 2010) (213)


5)      Describe the structure of an Ad Agency? What are the functions of each department? (April 2011) (111, 113)


6)      What are the objectives of Public Relation Advertising? What are the tools of such advertising? (April 2011) (232)

7)      What is sales promotion? Give reasons for the growth of sales promotion? (April 2011) (235, 241)

8)      What is psychographic segmentation? Explain? (April 2011) (40)


9)      Discuss the steps necessary to build Brand Equity? (April 2011) (214)

10)   What are the factors that Media Planners must consider while formulating the media plan? Explain various medias scheduling strategies (Oct 2011) (153,160)


11)   Explain with examples various sales promotion tools for consumers (Oct 2011) (236)

12)   Explain in details with examples various factors affecting consumer behavior (Oct 2011) (13)

13)   What is consumer involvement? explain the levels of consumer decision making n consumer involvement (April 2012) (44,47)


14)   Define IMC and its features. (April 2012) (67,69)

15)   Explain types of Advertising Media? (April 2012) (125)


16)   Explain with examples and different types of methods involved in texting advertising effectiveness? (Oct 2012)(179)

17)   Define Advertising? Explain in brief with example the different tools available for setting the advertising budget. (Oct 2012) (117)

18)   Discuss different types of buying behavior and consumer’s involvement in the process of identifying the consumers in the market? (Oct 2012) (41,44)

19)   Highlight the role of advertising in the modern business world. (April 2013) (100)

20)   What are the characteristics of good brand name? (April 2013) (191)

21)   Elaborate at length the importance of media planning. (April 2013) (144,145)



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