Last Moment Tips and Techniques on How to Appear the Theory Papers


In the third year of the BMS program, your fortune is decided by three people. One who teaches you the subject (course), one who set’s the paper and the last who examines your paper.

Remember all your efforts (for preparation) which you have put in the past 30 days and plus is presented in 2.5 hrs and examined in maximum 5 mins.

This gives you a hint that all what u write is not read line by line. However remember, we teachers are very sharp and vigilant in assessment. If you play round the bush in your answers we catch you immediately.

Tips :

  1. Before you start attempting your paper take the initial three minutes of the given time and read the question paper thoroughly.
  2. Do not spend time to read the case study right in the beginning unless you have decided to attempt it first.
  3. In order to distinguish your paper from the rest, ensure you write down answers in points and in captions.( writing in paragraphs irritates the examiners)
  4. Do not number the captions by alphabets like a,b, c ,d but mention it in numeric’s like i, ii,iii,iv. Please understand the mindset of the examiner as he or she may not know what number is point j. ( note you get marks on quality as well as  quantity)
  5. A new answer on a new page.
  6. Do not break the sequence of the questions, asked in the question paper. For Example if you attempt section two first, make sure you complete with section two and then switch to section one.( Do not test the patience of the examiner)
  7. Present charts and diagrams wherever necessary.
  8. Underline the punch words in your answers. It need not be with pencil; even a pen underline is acceptable. A glance of these underlined KEY words, will help the examiner to know and understand your knowledge on the question asked.
  9. For three marks concepts, let your answers be crisp and précised. You need not spend hours to attempt these concepts. (Time management is must.)
  10. A technique to attempt case study is , read the questions asked related to the case first and then read the case given , this will save your time and you will be able to relate to the case as per the questions asked.

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Poonam Kakkad

Prof. Poonam Kakkad is working as a BMS and BAF Coordinator at Nirmala Memorial Foundation College, Mumbai. She has completed her M. Phil, MBA and and presented many research papers in National and International conferences PAN India Level. She is currently pursuing her PhD program in commerce from University of Mumbai.


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