Top 10 Awkward moments in Exams!



1) When you have no idea to write in the exams and the instructor comes and says, “Please hide your answer sheet!”

2) When you get super natural power during last 5 minutes of examination.

3) When you realize that 80% of the exam was based on 1 lecture that you missed and 1 topic that you didn’t prepare.

4) When you write “ETC” in every answer which meant “E (End Of) T (Thinking) C (Capacity)

5) When your attitude becomes “How can the examiner set sucha easy paper?” and give examiner another chance to challenge you.

6) When you call a friend on the day of the exam and he says “Please yaar, let me study”.

7) When you help your friends for exam preparation and they end up doing better than you.

8) When the examiner tells you to put down the pen and you feel Dude, its not a gun, so just chill.

9) When you think you did so well on an exam, tell everyone how easy that was, but end up getting passing marks.

10) When you think to write LOL at the end of every answer in exams.

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