Kshitij 2011


—As kshitij-ites of 2011, we take great pride in inviting you to most happening event of bms. All the intellectual in town will come together to R.J College to witness the phenomenon….kshitij. The theme this year is an “Retailing” which means providing goods & services to final consumer. —It is an effort to embrace the true spirit of exuberance and vivacity of college event. —Competition and mind games develop strategies. Feel the heat outrageous colors as our passion takes over your senses.

Welcome to our life.


—Business quiz —

Retail name game —

Retail treasure —

Window display —

Turn coat debate —

Battleground —

Ad ‘o’ maniacs —

Tug of war —

Paint your dream retail shop.

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aarti sharma

hay friends, aarti here...event manger of r.j college ghatkopar(W). with the help of bms.co.in i am here to introduce all you guys with my college fest "KSHITIJ'11", trend of our bms department is "learn with fun"...and now we are spreading such few hilarious, learning moments with you so that you all can be the part... welcome to our world


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