UBMSFSII.3 : Managerial Economics
[50 lectures : 3 Credit]
Objective :
- To acquaint the students with concepts and techniques used in Micro-economic Theory and to enable them to apply the knowledge in business decision making.
- To apply economic analysis in the formulation of business policies.
- To use economic reasoning to problems of business.
Level of Understanding: The students should acquire applied and analytical skill using economic theories to solve management problems.
Units | Name of the topic | No. of |
 |  | lectures |
 |  |  |
Unit I | Meaning, scope and role of managerial economics | 15 |
 | Meaning and types of demand, demand function and demand curve, |  |
 | variation and increase and decrease in demand, concepts of price, income |  |
 | and cross elasticity of demand, consumer’s surplus. |  |
 | Supply-meaning and supply function |  |
 |  |  |
Unit II | Meaning and types of production function, application and importance of | 15 |
 | production function in Managerial decision making, Economies of scale |  |
 | & scope-Producers surplus. |  |
 | Cost concepts, cost-output relationships and its importance, types of cost, |  |
 | functional form of short run and long run cost, LAC as a decision making |  |
 | tool. Impact of learning curve |  |
 | Revenue concepts- TR, MR,AR. |  |
Unit III | Market structure- meaning, types and need for analyzing market | 15 |
 | structure. |  |
 | Perfect Competition- features, representative firm and industry, |  |
 | Equilibrium in short and long run, price and output determination with |  |
 | diagrams, normal profits and losses, supernormal profits |  |
 | Monopoly- features, equilibrium in short and long run, Price |  |
 | discrimination, Dumping |  |
Unit IV | Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition: | 15 |
 | Oligopoly: definition and characteristics, collusion and cartel, non-price |  |
 | competition, price stickiness and kinked demand. |  |
 | Monopolistic competition- definition and characteristics, equilibrium |  |
 | price and output determination. |  |
 | Pricing policies and practices- role of cost, demand and consumer |  |
 | psychology in pricing. Pricing methods: full cost pricing, marginal cost |  |
 | pricing, pricing of new products, penetration pricing, skimming pricing. |  |
 |  |  |
Reference Books
- A study of Managerial Economics, Gopalakrishna, Himalaya Mumbai
- Managerial Economics Hague, D. Longman, London
- Managerial Economics, Dean Joel, Eastern Edition
- Managerial Economics Paul G Keat, K.Y. Young Prentice Hall Publications
- Managerial Economics Ahuja HL (2007) S.Chand & Co.Delhi
- Micro Economics – M. L. Seth
- Micro Economics – M. L. Jhingan; Vrinda Publications, New Delhi.
- Managerial Economics – Theory and Application – D. M. Mithani
- Managerial Economics, Varshney RL and Maheshwari KL
- Managerial Economics, Peterson – Prentice-Hall of India.
- Managerial Economics, Mote Paul Gupta – MGH.