Participating Banks for IBPS CWE 2014


Process of Selection

Candidates passing this Common Online exam will afterwards be called for Common Interview. Candidates passing the Common Interview will be called for selecting preference among banks and finally, candidates will be allotted to participating banks in order of preference and merit.


Participating banks

The common test is for recruitment of Specialist Officers vacancies that arise in any of These Following 20 public Sector banks.


Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank
Bank of Baroda Bank of India
Bank of Maharashtra Canara Bank
Central Bank of India Vijaya Bank
UCO Bank United Bank of India
Union Bank of India Syndicate Bank
Punjab & Sind Bank Punjab National Bank
Oriental Bank of Commerce Indian Overseas Bank
Indian Bank Dena bank
Corporation Bank IDBI Bank


**Please note That State Bank of India (SBI) & its 5 associate banks do not Participate in This process and they will conduct separate tests whenever required.

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