10 Things You Must Never Share On Facebook Or Twitter!





Although social media is all about sharing your thoughts and ideas with your dear and near ones, there are certain things which you must keep to yourself.

Here are the top 10 things which should remain private and you should not share on social networking sites:

 1) Never share anything on your account which would give a hint/clue about your Facebook or Twitter password.

2) Never post about events that happened by where you live. People might figure out where you are.

3) Never say anything you wouldn’t want your parents/relatives to know and never show pictures that you wouldn’t want your parents/relatives to see.

4) Never share your family photos publicly and ONLY share them with your trusted group of friends.

5) Never share your phone number (personal) as there are ‘so-called’ telemarketers who can misuse and disturb you.

6) Never share any confession about your job, college, political issues etc. as there is a possibility that it will be read by employers, professors and senior people.

7) Never share false or untrue statements about someone as you can get sued for defamation and even hurt someone’s feelings to damage their reputation.

8) Stop sharing and inviting friends for Facebook games – Farmville or Bubble whatever.

9) Never share about your social/vacation plans as it may create problems with uninvited friends.

10) Never share your private conversations i.e. emails, instant messages, fb conversations, texts publicly without permission.


These are unspoken rules which evolves on daily basis and you can avoid these common online missteps for your career advancement.

Do you have any more suggestions? Add them in the comments below.



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