Just another fake promise made by Mumbai University?



Although Mumbai University has been involved in a lot of women safety initiatives, there is a problem in MU campus’s own backyard as there is a broken wall, on the side of a UTI bank branch, creating problem for more than 350 girls staying in the campus hostel.

This wall actually collapsed nearly 3 years ago due to heavy rains and gives easy access to 100’s of trespassers every day  (sometimes drug addicts and alcoholics) and despite of repeated students’ complaints, the wall hasn’t been repaired yet.

Moreover, over 40% posts of women security guards are lying vacant and no one pays heed to the issue. Even the staff is temporary, untrained and not equipped to handle a critical situation.

MU officials claim that a tender has been passed and repair work would commence soon but there is no deadline given by them.

If any incident happens, who will be held responsible?

Is it just another promise made by MU?

What do you think?

Source: DNA

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