Is our education system ‘uneducated’?



In India, education system is designed to gain only a first class or distinction sacrificing complete freedom. Due to this academic pressure, one has to indulge in malpractices like copying, paper leaks etc. Academics takes away 17 years of our life and in this journey of studying only for getting marks, we forget the actual purpose of education i.e. to enrich our life with knowledge and analytical power. What we learn in books and what goes on real life is very much different. That’s why even so-called educated people also commit crimes as life’s values are more important than”bookish” definitions. So if any critical incidents happen, who is to be blamed for? Our education system gives us problems which are already existing and we are asked to find solutions to it. Why not think of something which will just avoid problems to occur? Why can’t there be innovative and out-of-box thinking involved in the learning process? Why is the education system itself so uneducated that it doesn’t educate the definition and purpose of life? Why are qualified people still confused about their careers? Don’t you think people should be allowed to choose a career of their own choice?

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