‘Online’ Evaluation Of Exams Likely To Delay Engineering Academic Term Again!




The online assessment of engineering papers seems to be a massive task for Mumbai University. The answer books are still being scanned and many faculties have given up from online evaluation.

This task requires better planning as a faculty has to sit infront of a monitor for close to 4 hours. Moreover the faculties are not given a deadline for submission of the evaluated papers.

As the next semester of engineering is going to start from 13th January 2014, the online assessment across 10 designated centres seems to be getting delayed.

Although university authorities claim that the assessment would be completed as per schedule but exam-in-charge of a couple of colleges claim that the assessment has not yet taken off in full swing.

If this project becomes successful, university aims to start online assessment  for BMS and other professional courses.

Will such evaluation systems work for BMS?

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