How to be successful?


Take Responsibility for Your Career

-Identify your core competencies

-Know what assignments you are ready to take on next

-‘Begin with the end in mind’ – Stephen R. Covey

Defining One’s Performance

-Top performers are talented and persistent risk takers.

-Sub-optimal performers settle into their comfort zone, fall into endlessly recurring patterns and stop challenging themselves in significant ways

Results That Make A Difference

-Results should be meaningful. They should make a difference.

-Identify the following:
What to do
Where to start
How to start
What goals and deadlines to set

Managing Oneself: Identify Strengths

-Identify your strengths and weaknesses
-Improve your strengths and eliminate bad habits that hamper the development of your strengths.

Managing Oneself: How Do I Perform?
-Think through your work style
-Are your personal values comparable to or at least compatible with your strengths?

Managing Oneself: What to Contribute
-Successful careers are not the products of luck or planning

-They are built by people who are able to seize those opportunities that match their own strengths, work styles, and values.

Managing Oneself: Work Relationships
-Organizations are built on trust, and trust is built on communication and mutual understanding.

Managing the Boss
There is nothing quite as conducive to success
as a successful and rapidly promoted superior.

-Increasing number of people to depend on for appraisal and approval
-Always in the good books of the boss
-Understood how to respect and treat the boss well

Managing Oneself: The Second Half

What to do with the second half of one’s life?

-Knowledge workers are able to physically work into old age.
-No drive remaining as no challenges are left to accomplish
-Burnout and boredom
-Requirement :- regain true interest outside work which makes a difference

Managing Oneself: Revolution in Society

Managing oneself is based on these realities: Workers are likely to outlive organizations, and the knowledge worker has mobility.

-Each worker should think and behave like a CEO of a firm
-Requirements include change in thought and action
-A fulfilling second career.

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