5 Uncommon Traditions People Celebrate In New Year Around The World


 1) In Japan, people clean their homes and send thank-you cards called nengajo to wish their friends and relatives Happy New year. Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times to welcome Toshigami, the New Years God.

2) In Serbia, New year is celebrated like Christmas where it is believed that Deda Mraz (Santa Claus) visits house to leave presents under the family spruce tree. The Serbian New year is celebrated on January 2013 as per the Julian calendar.
3) In Germany, people eat jam-filled doughnuts with or without liquor fillings as well as a tiny marzipan pig for good luck.

4) In Denmark, people prepare an evening meal that ends with a special desert known as Kransekage, a steep-sloped cone-shaped cake decorated with fire crackers and flags.
5) In Estonia, people believe that they should eat seven, nine or twelve meals on New year. It is believed that the person gains the strength of that many men the following year.

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