Top 10 Corporate New Year Wishes To Share With Your Colleagues, Boss, Peers And Seniors




As New year is the best time to spread good cheer and warmth, send out lovely business new year wishes to build good relations with your office colleagues, business partners, peers and seniors at work.

  1. May higher responsibilities come with higher degree of power and wide range of comforts to make your life grand in the coming New Year!
  2. May all your endeavors are met with huge success and appreciation. Happy New Year!
  3. Let new beginnings signify new chapter filled with pages of success and happiness, written by the ink of hard work and intelligence.
  4. As we are all waiting for a new year with hope, I am thanking you for the opportunities you have given to us And wish a better new year for you and Your business.
  5. Working for you is fun Hope next year also you will give me Some opportunities and work Thank you. Happy New year.
  6. Work with the best of your abilities in 2014 and show to the world you power to create wonderful and superior things.
  7. New Year 2014 may turn out to be a year when you are put on the road to everlasting success and prosperity.
  8. May God give you the strength to overcome difficulties and the confidence to walk on the difficult road to success!
  9. We want to thank you for the cooperation last year and we wish you a happy new year.
  10. The new year is nearly there. This is a good occasion to look back and to define the new aims for the year coming up. We wish you lots of success.

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