How to get back to the Study mood?


For BMSites it’s been party time since Sem 5 got over. It was I.V time followed by Christmas parties and the New Year celebration. After a cartload of partying here are a few tips on how you can get back to the study mood for your last Semester of the course:

  • Bunk all you can, and catch early morning movie shows because these are the last few months when you have a college to bunk.
  • Plan your Farewell party and eat up the cultural committee’s head to ensure you get a good party.
  • Sit in the canteen most of the time, because you won’t get time to savor all the different varieties your canteen wala has after April.
  • Spend time at home tactfully planning after-parties to your farewell; it’s your last year after all!
  • Keep your Whatsapp and FB display pictures with your college friends, some old memories of the previous years will be great mood setters.
  • Curse the FM paper repeatedly; especially at home so that no one screams at you for low percentage once the results are out.
  • Be nice to all the teachers you had harassed in the past two years by not attending lectures and giving them peace of mind.
  • Go shopping! Parties and after-parties demand a lot on the wardrobe front.

Trying these is strictly at your own risk but shall guarantee a lot of memories if nothing else! You can also try out making a collage of your best BMS moments and mail them to us @ [email protected], you might just end up becoming the cover of the different FB pages we have!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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