11 Exceptional Leadership Lessons You Can Learn From Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher is a retired German racing driver, a seven-time Formula One World Champion and widely regarded as one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time.
The Formula One legend turns 45 on 3rd January 2014 lying comatose in a French hospital after suffering critical head injuries in a ski accident. He has been hospitalised when he slammed his head against a rock while skiing in the French Alps on 29th December 2013. The Ferrari F1 team where Schumacher spent many years announced it would on hold a “silent gathering” in front of the Grenoble hospital for his 45th birthday.
Here we list down 11 Leadership Lessons You Can From Michael Schumacher:
1) Have a killer instinct when it comes to taking an opportunity.
2) Build team of people around you consistently that will achieve remarkable things.
3) You cannot be perfect all the time and be ready to fall when things go wrong time to time.
4) Deal with your own failures to set the scene for your team’s behaviour.
5) Understand the reasons when things go wrong and try to prevent them happening again.
6) Trust people who are truthful and comfortable with you.
7) Deal the bitter disappointments with maturity and style.
8) Go the extra mile to make things work better.
9) Fear and threats are not a recipe for long-term success.
10) Don’t deal with your own personal problems in public.
11) Always use powerful words that reflect your attitude in life.


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