Wanna excel in 2011 ? ?


10 methods to excel your grades in 2011! !

1. Do less social networking and more real-time networking.
Undo with your gadgets and engage with people. Networking in the real world will do far more good for your business and career than networking in the virtual world. Start today, start taking initiatives for the same.

2. Forget the sorrows of 2010.
Whether it was the best year on record or a complete disaster, learn what you can from the experience and move on. You’re always better off living in and focusing on the present.

3. Quit buzzing.
Whether it’s your crappy job, your dumbass boss, or your co-workers, either do something about it or suck it up. Whining doesn’t do a damn thing but make everyone around you as miserable as you are.

4. Stop straining, start dealing.
Whatever it is that have you all wound up, Its time for doing it now, its like now or never, don’t let any opportunity to be out of the clutch of your hands,  it’ll free your mind for what really matters. I’ve had a leaky window forever. Yesterday I caulked(sealed) it. No more leak. It only took 15 minutes. I wish i would have done that earlier.

5. Put the gadgets down and work harder! !
Safe advice for pretty much all of us in this gadget-crazy world. I guarantee you’ll be more productive and have more fun. Come out of the comfort zone, do something as that is what is going to help you in your way of life towards success.

6. Have more fun {All work and no joy makes jack(male) and jacklin (female) dull guys }.
After all the screwing off I did in college (you wouldn’t believe it if I told you), I ended up with two degrees and a great career. Sure, I work my tail off, but I play just as hard and that’s the only key towards success.

7. If it isn’t working for u, make it the way you want.
We all have things we know aren’t working. Whether it’s your job, your marriage, or your investment portfolio, once you know for sure, the sooner you change it, the better.

8. Take care of yourself.
If you’re too hard on yourself, you should know that it doesn’t do you any good. Just do the best you can and then, be good to yourself. Spend time with yourself. Work out, eat right, meditate, get out and have fun. After all It’s life, not a treadmill, so live it accordingly.

9. Take risks.
Try new things, even if they scare you. Hell, especially if they scare you. I mean, don’t take dumb risks but reasonable, calculated ones. Most people are too risk averse for their own good.

10. Stop miss utilization your time.
We all spend a good deal of time on Virtual stuff. You know what I’m talking about – mindless distraction. If it’s fun or with family and friends, that’s great. But if you sit around for hours with your eyes glued to the TV or PC, you’re really creating a havoc for your future.

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Abhishek Shah

-Digital Evangelist


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