What You Should Do To Make Amazing Killer Interesting Rocking Presentations!



Do  you consider making presentation is a worst nightmare? Does facing 5 or 500 people in the audience matter or worry you more? You’ll either be a hero or a zero depending on your presentation skills. 

Here are 11 tips to help you effectively communicate your ideas and information through a successful presentation:

1) Outline a structure of your presentation that your audience will follow easily.

2) Make sure the topic is truly of interest to your audience.

3) Find out the reasons why you are presenting the topic to the audience.

4) Connect with your audience emotionally and inspire them to change behaviour.

5) Construct stories that excite, motivate and compel people to action.

6) Include humorous elements to create a memorable day for your audience.

7) Clearly articulate the key points without your notes and rehearse a lot.

8) Take the help of your friend to coach you so that you have a clear diction, project emotion and you connect with your eyes.

9) Never-ever read from the screen in the presentation.

10) Ask yourself if a video/slide you are adding is truly necessary or not.

11) Relevant visuals are a good way to connect emotionally, otherwise you focus more on storytelling and performance skills.


Few Presentation Tips:

1) Use wording like: “Here’s what the topic is all about” or “Here’s what you need to know about this topic”.

2) No cheesy images and use only professional stock images.

3) Use 10/20/30 Rule i.e. limit the number of your slides to 10, presentation time to 20 minutes and use atleast a 30-point font size.

4) Be as much concise as possible and use animations/graphics wisely.

5) Your presentation = Simple, Clear, Meaningful Message and Quality visuals



Good luck with your presentations!

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