7 Timeless Inspirational Life Lessons From ‘Chess Legend’ Viswanathan Anand



Viswanathan Anand “Vishy” was born in 1969 in Tamil Nadu. He started learning to play chess at the age of 6. He is the 15th undisputed World Champion reigning from 2007 to 2013. He was also FIDE World Champion from 2000-2002. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Loyola College in Chennai. He is one of the six players in history to crack the 2800 mark and as of January 2014, his rating is 2773 making him the world #9, although he remains the top rated player in the Asian region.


Here are the 7 Inspirational Life Lessons from Viswanathan Anand:

1) If you lose a game, it’s not the end of everything. Learn to be practical: check what went wrong and move on swiftly.

2) Follow your own dream and not someone else’s. Have ambition and focus as the path is never smooth but you should learn to enjoy the journey.

3) Even if you are the King of the world, imbibe the kind of humility and simplicity that is hard to find among others. 

4) Keep learning and experimenting new things, don’t expect results to be always positive.

5) Keep challenging yourself and keep adapting. You have to rearrange your talent to be on top whenever the challenges in your career/life keep changing.

6) Work on your physical stamina, relax and get ready to play well. Recharge your batteries time-to-time.

7) Keep your mind clam and happy, enjoy what you do and constantly learn. 

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