Mumbai University Results Held In Reserve – Meaning and Procedure


What does Results Held In Reserve (RRLE) mean?

Results are normally held in reserve for the following reasons:

1. Non passing of lower examinations

2. Non receipt of Transfer / Eligibility Certificate

3. Non submission of First Degree certificate required for Masters Degree results etc.

What should I do if my results are held in reserve?

1) Apply for declaration of result through respective college / Institution with a copy of statement of marks of lower examination, first-degree certificate, certificate of eligibility / Transfer etc. whatever is applicable.

2) On receipt of application duly recommended by the college with relevant documents / information and on completion of process result will be declared within the following period.

B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.M.M., B.M.S., M.A. – 15 days.

M.Com., M.Sc. F.E. (Sem.II), B.E. (Sem.VII & VIII), LL.B.  – 30 days.

3) The statement of marks will be sent to respective college/Institution within 20 days from the declaration of result, held in reserve.

4) No enquiry will be entertained within this period.

5) Any queries you can reach University of Mumbai, Controller of Examination, Examination Bhavan, Kalina Campus, Santacruz (e).

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  1. i got my b.e (i.t) final semester.. mumbai university. sem 8 result as ..

    result for seat no. ***** is held in reserve.

    but all my lower semesters are clear. i have marksheets too. does that mean i have failed in any of the subjects in sem 8? or is there some other reason. please help. i am really tensed. 🙁

  2. my BE final year result of last sem (8 th) of IT… its “the result of seat no ***** is held in reserve”….
    its very shocking for me …..what is the reson???? …n all my lower semester exams are cleared…..
    what is the meaning of this ….please help me…..plz…….

    1. Results are normally held in reserve for the following reasons:

      1. Non passing of lower examinations

      2. Non receipt of Transfer / Eligibility Certificate

      3. Non submission of First Degree certificate required for Masters Degree results etc.
      please follow the procedure mentioned in this post

      1. In my result in one theory paper it is mentioned ‘ N ‘ .I have passed all sems and that N meant any other case & in website it was mentioned Held in Reseve only

  3. Though i have cleared all my lower examinations then also when checked online my result status says passed but on hold due to lower examinations not cleared. Pls guide me what can be done now?

  4. “the result of seat number 6274093 is passed
    Held in reserve due to Lower examination not clear. ”

    What is the meaning of Lower Examination????
    Can you please describe?

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