6 Life Lessons You Missed To Learn From Movie “Life Of Pi”


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“Life of Pi” storyline revolves around a 16-year old Indian boy named Piscine “Pi” Patel who survives a shipwreck in which his family dies and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a tiger named Richard Parker.

It’s a huge inspirational film for people who have been through difficult situations that just never seem to end. Here are few motivational life lessons you can learn from the film:

1) Pi was stranded alone on a boat with Richard Parker, the tiger. Both of them relied on each other for survival which showed mutual respect. Similarly, we need to be friends with animals and treat them good.

2) Religion is not the end, it’s just an understanding of the world. Young Pi explores different religions and also respects them. If you are aware of this fact, it can help to avoid wars and intolerances.

3) Pi and Richard Parker were alone with no contact with their closed ones but still they made the best of their experience and witnessed the magic of the world.

4) You cannot forget the painful situations but always forgive. Pi lost everything but he managed to take it all in stride and forgive the anger and pain.

5) If everything seems over, there is always an opportunity which you should watch out for. Pi didn’t sit crying and feeling sorry for himself with whatever happened but instead  understood that there is still an opportunity for a better life.

6) Keep going even if you are going through worst circumstances. Pi didn’t stop his journey by looking at the obstacles but instead kept moving to achieve his goal.



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