CAT 2013 Analysis


CAT 2013 – Paper Analysis

Getting around 90 marks out of 180, CAT was difficult.

In Section I, getting a score of 30 could fetch one a percentile around 88-91.

In Section II, getting a score of 30 could fetch a percentile around 83-85.

To get a 99 percentile, one had to score in the range of 42-45 in Section I and around 46-49 in Section II.


Section I – Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation (30 Questions)

The paper pattern in terms of division of questions between QA and DI was by and large same. Most students got 21 Qns in QA and 9 in DI whereas some of the others got 20 Qns in QA and 10 in DI.


Quantitative Ability

Geometry and Algebra were all over the place. Polynomials, Functions & Graphs, Inequalities, Quadratic Equations were given in plenty. The number of questions in Arithmetic was in the range of 3 to 5 questions (out of 21) to a majority of students. Some sprinkling of Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry did stump a few students. Around 10 questions were almost always doable, whatever the difficulty level of the overall paper. There were sitters as well as very difficult questions in each and every slot (and for every student)

A good student would have attempted around 12-14 questions in around 40 minutes.


Data Interpretation

There were 3 sets of DI for almost all students. While the majority of students got all traditional DI sets – Tables, Bar Charts, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Combination graphs, etc. there were a few who got a set of Venn Diagrams questions instead of a third set of DI. At least two of the three sets were doable and one set was either difficult or lengthy.

A good student would have attempted 6 to 8 questions in around 25 minutes.

The scores and therefore the percentiles would depend on the accuracy levels that one has in the paper.


Section II – Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning (30 Questions)

The pattern was similar to that of CAT 2012. There were about 10-12 questions in Verbal Ability, 9-10 questions in Reading Comprehension (3 RC passages) and 9-10 questions in Logical Reasoning (3 sets). Few students probably were lucky to get 10 questions each in RC and LR.


Verbal Ability

The verbal ability area had hardly any surprises. Para Jumbles, Para Completion, FIBs, Grammar, Vocab Usage were the usual areas given to just about every student in every slot. Whatever the level of preparation, it is almost impossible to predict if one has done well in Verbal Ability area. Especially Para Jumbles and Para Completion (not to talk about Grammar) questions can be tricky and with the time pressure and CAT exam pressure, a perfectly innocuous question can appear draconian.

A good student would have attempts close to 7 or 8 questions in this part of the paper.


Reading Comprehension

There were 3 sets of passages in the paper. Once again, there were at least two sets of passages and questions direct and not very difficult. However, one set of the three was unusually difficult and for some abstruse. Each of the RC sets was around of 500 – 700 words.

A good student would have attempted at least two sets and around 6 questions.


Logical Reasoning

As per expectations, there were 3 sets of logical ability. Quite a few students got simple sets in Arrangements – Sequential as well as Circular, Distribution, Selection, Networks as well as numerical puzzles. Two sets out of the three were normally doable whereas the third set was difficult and time consuming.

A good student would have attempted 6 questions and would most probably have got all of them right! A very good student would have got all 9 correct.

Average Overall attempt in Section-II was in the range of 20-22. However a top 10 percentile of the students would have attempted closer to 23-25 questions.


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