Top 10 OMG Interesting Amazing Facts Of Wikipedia




1) Wikipedia, started in January 2001, is a non-profit organization, co-founded by Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger and run by the Wikimedia Foundation.

2) The top 5-visited website in the world, Wikipedia has employed only 35 people and its headquarters is located in San Francisco.

3) Wikipedia is supported by more than 1 lakh volunteers who have contributed above 22 million articles in 285 languages.

4) Wikipedia has majority of the articles in English (3,924,043 articles), German (1,394,015 articles) and French (1,238,363 articles), Dutch (1,038,017 articles) and Italian (910,922 articles)

5) Wikipedia servers are hosted in Florida, website has 325 million readers i.e. roughly 21 users reading every article on the website and 684 million pageviews each year.

6) Members of the Wikipedia are known as “Wikipedians” and One of the most active editors of Wikipedia is Richard Farmbrough who has edited more than 7,50,000 articles on Wikipedia!

7) Anyone can become an editor of Wikipedia as it is an open source website. There is no ranking system that tells you which kind of articles to edit.

8) Wikipedia means wiki – a shared website, pedia – shortened form of encyclopedia.

9) 50% of the visitors come to Wikipedia through Google Search Engine.

10) Wikipedia is the only website which doesn’t have Advertisements.


Happy birthday Wikipedia, from everyone at!

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