Relationship Mantras: Do long distance relationship’s work?


Your boyfriend got a job transfer? Girlfriend got admission in a top college in another state? Or Boyfriend’s dad got a transfer and the family is shifting outside the country? Many reasons can come up that create distances in a relationship, but will it survive the test of time is something only you can determine.


There is no set proven fact with respect to LDR’s (long distance relationships) but 90% of the couples end up splitting in a month or two. Can you blame that on distance? The answer is No.

Breaks up’s usually happen when the partner shifting outside get too caught up with new surroundings and the one back home has a gap to fill up. Patience on the one who is left behind and level-headed behavior on the one who has shifted can solve the problem.


Another major reason why people break up is that, the realization creeps in that I am not going to see this person ever again, that being the case why should I stop myself from the fun of dating. It’s your call at such times, be strong enough to split up and let your partner live a good life too, keeping them hanging with hopes that are ultimately not going to materialize is wrong.

Except for such times there are petty issues like insecurity and jealousy that are also major supporting factors to breaking up an LDR but all of this can be tackled, how we’ll tell you: As soon as you realize you are going to have distance between you, don’t panic and start distancing away from each other thinking that it will reduce the pain once you split, believe me it won’t. And in trying to do so you will eventually end up spoiling the little time you have together; instead of making memories that you can remember and cherish when you are away from each other.


Try and develop patience and trust and as soon as you have the distance between you two, get a bit more thoughtful and consciously devote time to your partner; as simple as that!An LDR can easily be worked out, if you have the determination for it, no trust issues, no insecurities and a little thoughtfulness on both sides is the key 🙂

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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