10 Must haves in the Indian woman’s wardrobe!


The 10 must haves in an Indian woman’s wardrobe are:

1. White shirt+ Blue jeans combo

white shirt n blu jeans

You cannot go wrong with this white shirt and blue jeans combo; it looks classy and casual at the same time.

2. LBD (Little Black Dress)



The ‘Little Black Dress’, any woman across the globe cannot stay without this and the Indian woman of today can carry it off with the required attitude and style.

3. Statement heels

statement heels

Heels make your legs look ‘WOW’ and owning a pair of heels preferably in colours like black, nude, silver or golden work with every outfit.

4.  Anarkali Dress


If it’s an occasion that demands Indian wear, than an Anarkali dress works wonders, be it a light dress or one with a lot of embellishments, the Anarkali suits almost all occasions very skillfully.

5. Statement Neck Piece


It’s a must have, it works with any kind of outfit and gets you the desired attention.

6. Designer sari

black designer saree

What’s sexier than a sari-clad Indian woman? Evening party or a day occasion, a designer sari works wonders for any figure at any occasion.

7. Diamond hoops


Gives your look the desired bling and oomph factor, and steals away the attention without screaming for it.

8. Glitterati clutch bag

glitter clutch

Suits Indian as well as western wear, brightens up a simple outfit and yet looks classy.

9. Black blazer

black blazer

Goes with all formal and semi-formal wear and gives your outfit a new twist.

10. Scarf


Right now it’s ‘animal prints’ in the trend but otherwise too, a scarf be it plain or printed is a must have for every woman’s wardrobe.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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