A Beautiful Poem On Friendship



A special bond

I share only with a few

They are my friends

Or just some people I knew


Relations and bonds these days

Have changed their original views

Peoples perspective have changed

Owing to a experiences few


Those days I still cherish

When relations were so innocent

Breaking into giggles

Was a common incident


With time things have changed

And so have priorities

There is nothing long lasting

Which is a harsh reality


But one often stumbles upon people

Who are splendid gifts

They are the special ones

With whom there are no rifts.


They understand ones mood

And what the heart feels

Ones secrets are safe with them

Just like a home cooked meal


They are not just connections

But the ones who understand emotions

They are the ones who can be counted

However big the problem is mounted


They are the ones on speed dial

The first to come on one’s mind

Be it happy or sad news to share

Not having them around is very rare


Fights and arguments can’t play spoilsport

As talking to one another is the only resort

Teasing and cheering are all a part of the game

Not doing any of it would be such a shame


They are my real friends

Whom I can count on

Who would always stand by me

I’ll forget them not.


– By Anjani Nautiyal


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