A beginning that has no end..1st day, 1st show FYBMS


Junior college has been synonymous to hard core enjoyment for me. Being a commerce student, I wasn’t really caught up with all the tedious classes or the messy lab practicals, which gave me a lot of time to fool around and live my life to the fullest. With a blink of an eye two years passed by and it was time to get serious about life and acquaint myself with serious concepts such as ambition, career and most importantly a satisfying pay package. After a good deal of career counselling and brainstorming, I decided to zero down on BMS. A highly promising degree that didn’t just revolve around theory and books, but instead could play a central role in helping me to develop my overall personality. Finally, at the end of July all the action kickstarted in colleges and it was time for me to attend my first day of BMS.


Let me first help you with the name of my college. I am just another proud “Sydenhamite”. Now coming back to my first day of BMS. It was somewhere in the last week of July. It was raining cats and dogs. The BMS orientation day. Being the first day, I decided to act a little sincere and reached the college premises way ahead of the scheduled time. I was greeted with this poker faced watchman, who pounced on me to produce my admission receipt. Seemed like he was entrusted with the duty of driving away poor, innocent freshers. Ignoring him, I entered the college.


There was complete chaos on the ground floor. Confused students, Hassled parents, Petrified canteen boys and ofcourse the Wicked looking attendants. I managed to get information about my classroom and eventually rushed to the second floor. Surprisingly, this floor seemed comparatively quieter. I took a look at my right side.I could see a girl standing at some distance from me. Questioned, I moved my attention to the left side. The “BMS Office” board stared back at me. Finally, I decided to do some inky pinky ponky and turned to the girl at right. I introduced myself to her and we got talking in no time. The talkative kind of person that I am, I totally entertained her and all of a sudden came the time when we were suppose to enter our FYBMS classroom for the very first time.


Some of our seniors were already waiting inside the classroom. Seemed like they were all set to give us a tough time by engaging in some or the other leg pulling activity. Afterall, little pranks are always welcome. With every passing second, a new face got introduced to the class. The introduction round began. Each of us stood up at our respective places and with deep respect for our seniors provided every bit of information associated with the each of us. However, the background music was continuously on. I mean the whispers and murmurs among my classmates. My first day eventually ended up with a group of girls, rather a mahila mandal that discussed everything under the sun. The next few hours were spent by us in getting to know each other better so as to be able to spend the next three years filled with umpteen amount of awesomeness.


In the end, all I can say is that the first day of BMS or for that matter the entire journey of BMS cannot just be jotted down in words. Those are just some precious memories that would be locked in my mind forever.

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Siddhi A Aras

Hello Everyone. My name is Siddhi A Aras. I am a BMS alumni who is now a banker by profession and a freelance writer cum editor by passion. After having a brief stint in the media industry and having played multiple roles like that of a creative writer, proofreader, editor and public relations executive, currently I form part of the Corporate Advances department of a reputed nationalized bank. I simply enjoy writing, which is exactly why you are reading this experience of mine at the moment.


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