A C.V that will catch your future employers attention immediately!



Graduates or undergraduates from BMS or any other field; if you are planning to take up a job soon the first requirement for you is going to be your C.V.

C.V or Curriculum Vittae provides an overview of a person’s experience and other qualifications. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment.

We present you a simple and easy to use format for your C.V, that will have your future employer impressed in the first glance!

Section I
Your Name
e-mail ID-____________-Contact No:___________
City: ________________-State:____________________

Section II- Objective or Summary

Your objective should fit into the purpose of the opening notified or the general requirements a company looks for. It should not be too broad and vague.

Section III- Experience or Academic Project (if you have)
If you have experience write it with these points: Job-Title, Position, Duration,
If you Academic Project Exp. then write it with these points “Project Title”, Description , Technology/Platform (that you have used)

Section IV: Education:

 Stars with highest level like if you are a graduate, then Graduation, then 12th and so on. With these points

Bachelor’s Degree – Pursuing (Completed) BMS(Full Form of your degree) From University Name, College Name,

Season – Year to Year
Then make a table highlighting your marks:
Sem 1/ Sem 2/ Sem 3/ …

Marks in %———————— Marks in %——— Marks in %

Repeat this Bold section for your Gradation, 12th and 10th

Section V: Achievements/Certificates/Participation (that is related to your profession / stream/ subject only)

Stars with current Achievements like
Year-2011: …………………..(bold/highlight those points are important)
Year 2010:……………………
Year 2009……………………..

Section VI: Extra Curricular Activities (that is not related to your profession / stream/ subject only) 
Start with current Activities like
Year-2011: ………………….. (bold/highlight those points are important)
Year 2010:……………………
Year 2009……………………..

Section VII: Area of interest (Give some points that are related to that job )

Section VIII: Your Postal Address:

(In case of reference, you may include all reference name here otherwise just write your address only)

Some important points to keep in mind:

  • At the end of the resume DON’T write I hereby declare….
  • Avoid fancy fonts. Prepare your resume in 10-point or 11-point (size) Arial or Times Roman front-face. Use only black color
  •  Check very carefully Spelling or grammar.
  • Ask a friend. Another pair of eyes really helps here, so ask a friend to look it over and give you feedback.
  • Keep it simple. Don’t go overboard with underlining, italicizing and bolding. When used sparingly, it will highlight what’s really important.
  • Objective, if the objective statement doesn’t match the job you’re applying for, your resume is likely to end up in the bin. It’s important to customize the objective so it expresses your goals and keeps the HR manager interested in learning more about you. Don’t be vague!
  • Remember, your resume is a marketing tool and that begins with a clear, concise objective.
  •  Don’t use short form, while writing CV, use always full form eg. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) don’t write only CBSE.
  • Please make 2-3 types resume for different types of Job, edit the resume according when you apply. (Keep your resume in two format PDF and doc)

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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