A Career As A Fashion Designer – Profitable?


 fashion designing

The fashion world is huge in today. Every person wants to wear designer clothes and own high fashion clothing. Fashion designing is a great avenue for one’s career in today’s world. There was a time when this was only thought to be a girl’s thing and there were fewer guys on the scene.

But with changing times, this industry has shunned many prejudices and societal restrictions and presumptions and opened doors for every creative mind equally. Mumbai has a lot of institutions offering courses on fashion designing which is a three year course and one can opt for a post-graduation degree in the same too.

fashion designing

We have some very famous and internationally acclaimed designers in our country. Many have also conquered the desirable world of Hollywood. Names like Falguni and Shane Peacock have dressed up famous personalities, from Lady Gaga to the First Lady of USA Michelle Obama.

We also have names like Manish Malhotra, Abu and Sandip, Sabyasachi, Rocky S, Rohit Bal and many more young budding designers like Nikhil Thampi. While all these names makes our chest swell with pride, their work also inspires a whole generation.

An additional perk is we live in a country which spells variety in terms of fabric, textiles, designs or inspirations. The industry is always looking for people with innovation.

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So if you planning on fashion designing, it is a big thumbs up! If you have the passion and the drive..Nothing will stop you. And if you have that edge, you will surely go miles and nothing may stop you from being a name added among the A-listers!

 – Kashmira Tambe

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