A Career In Writing Content? Profitable and Perfect!



You want to do an internship? As a writer? Are you in school and is this your vacation hobby class? What probable career will you make as a writer?

Some of this and lots more accompanies you when you want to take up similar classes or internships and at some point of time and I really don’t blame parents or peers to say that I mean writing has always been underrated hasn’t it?

Assumed to be the profession of khakhi clad, nerdy and unkempt journalists people just don’t go beyond the stereotype to figure out writing has huge potential in today’s world and in fact we need writer’s so much more now that technology is getting the world closer.

Think about it, information about everything and anything is available at the snap of your fingertips, but to make that information available to you, don’t you need a person to key it down and present it in a way that people understand it? Education and literacy is on the rise across the globe, world organizations such as the ‘United Nations’ are working so hard on ensuring these fundamentals are available even in most remote corners of the world! Won’t all of these educated people want to read and understand about life just like you and me?

Print media may die off, but wont you need writers for the digital media too? The scope for a profession as a content creator is immense, you can write articles for magazines, newspapers, web portals apart from which every company that needs a brochure every pamphlet, every script, every product description needs YOU and this is just the beginning! The possibilities are infinite for making a career in content.

Now you ask me the question, what is the use of my doing up such an elaborate education course if i was just going to follow my heart and become a writer? Well everything! you cant be a writer if you don’t have knowledge about what you are writing. You need to be aware and preferably educated on a subject before you write on it, if anyone could write on everything why would the world need specializations? 

With content writing, you learn the art of communicating with people, taking to them information and helping them learn, understand and grow! You get the opportunity to take stories of far away lands to people and help them live their dreams. You can write on politics and create awareness, be a social blogger and get the youth united, be  a fashion blogger and make the world a beautiful place or a technology blogger and help your readers make the perfect choice in gadgets; infinite possibilities in  one profession, seems perfect doesn’t it!

And do you know the best part of it all, you dont need to make it a full time profession! You can also pursue it as a hobby career on a part time basis and make really decent revenues at the same time! 

All you need is a little skill sharpening and the right direction, success invariably follows! take up the content writing internship with us if you feel you are up for the challenge of making a career out of something you love doing!

Are you passionate about writing / blogging? Do you think your writings have the power to motivate someone? Are you creative in expressing your thoughts through words? Wanna own a blog/website/publication in future?

If you believe in the power of writing, this role is just for you!

Required #25 Awesome Creative writers for No. 1 BMS Blog in Mumbai – BMS.co.in. The topics will be around the following themes – Technology/ Entertainment / Sports / Politics / Health / Society / Fashion / Food / Youth / Travel / Business / Humor / Careers / Interviews/ Academics / Culture / Current trends. 

Interested candidates can mail in their resumes and article samples to [email protected]

Please note that this is a work from home position.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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    If NO then please suggest an appropriate career/courses ?
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    or are there any more alternatives ?

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