A Few Must Have Bags


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The Everyday Bag -The first must-have style is the everyday bag, the purse you take with you to work, to lunch and to pick up the kids. It’s your catch-all bag. Because you will use this bag the most, Joe says to choose a neutral color like black, navy or brown. You can pick it up and leave, and it will match everything you’re wearing. The key is to choose a bag with multiple compartments to organize everything you carry. So that every night you’re not looking for your keys.


The Oversize Clutch – The oversize clutch is a fun way to transition an outfit from day to night. You can put this bag into your everyday bag to take to work if you want to switch to go out.


The Small Clutch -When the occasion calls for a dressy look, a small clutch is the perfect bag for night out. It should be big enough to carry just your essentials – money, ID, lipstick and keys. If you’re only going to buy one evening bag, go for something with shine, like metallic’s, sequins or metal details.


The Weekend Tote – The canvas weekend tote is an easy, throw-everything-in bag for weekend trips. And you can throw it in the wash. Totes are sold at every price point, whether you want to splurge or spend less than Rs. 500. Choice is yours. Get a branded one or one from Colaba Causway.


The Novelty BagThe novelty bag is an easy way to update your wardrobe with the latest trends. This is the one way you can tiptoe into a trend if you don’t want to go full-fledged. Rather than dressing head-to-toe in studs, one of this season’s biggest trends, look for a studded handbag in your price point. It’s a smart way to up your glam quotient.


Check if you don’t have any of these.

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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