A Journey Through Mumbi’s Life Line


People who think train travel is nothing but sweaty people in a crammed up place.

Well think again people for certain untold stories are about to be revealed in this very article

As you take a ticket and find yourself in a jeopardy of choosing a train from the time tables


You feel the rush and adrenaline to fight your way through the enormous crowd pouring out and crawl your way to the seat you feel is much deserved for your effort through a wall of people. As a writer i always have a habit of observing people. Within the train you would always find certain characters who do their own thing and travel their own way.

As the train was about to leave i saw a man running towards the last gate as if sprinting for a 100m dash.He finally caught the train and had a pleasure that u see at a person who finally wins at something. Then comes in a couple where in the guy tries to be the superman trying to save the ingenue from the evils of a crowded train.


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Then as station pass by the man in front of me doses off unaware of his environment.only to enjoy the only seemingly blissful time he had in his life from troubles of daily work. As i get off at my desired stop i only witness a train halted on the other side of platform where people are singing bhajans & a Muslim man enjoying to the Same tunes.

I just needed a walk over the bridge now to reach my destination as I see people from different religion,cast,creed just walking past me under one name Mumbai. A city of dreams, hope, dreams, emotions and its people. Travelling through its lifeline one can oly see the beauty we all miss out in our daily life. A Mumbaikars abilty to pull his strength togther to jump in the train and getting off with relief and happiness to be reaching his destination. Which in my opinion is the best feeling the journey to any destination.

– Aditya Chavan

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